Supportive Counselling in Glasgow West End
Relationship counselling provides a confidential and supportive environment for you to work through any difficulties you may be having in your relationship. The relationship will usually be between a couple (married, co-habiting, heterosexual or same sex) but it may also be between members of the same family, friends or other. It will allow you to explore these issues safely and without judgement in order for you to gain clarity and a way forward.
Four of the main issues which tend to come up time and time again in Relationship/Couple Counselling are;
- Difficulties with communication
- Imbalance regards each individuals contribution to the relationship
- Trust issues
- Childhood and family dynamics impacting negatively on the relationship
All relationship difficulties are likely to result in distance and resentment between a couple if they are not addressed. The longer they go unresolved the more chance a relationship will eventually breakdown completely and/ or one partner may look elsewhere to have their needs met. In order for relationship counselling to work, both individuals have to be willing to prioritise their relationships needs. They have to be committed to making appropriate changes or ‘doing things differently’ in order to benefit the future of their relationship. If the relationship is going to work both parties need to be willing to meet somewhere in the middle/reach a compromise regards their ‘differences’ which feels ‘good enough’ for each of their needs, expectations, values etc.
‘ Great relationships aren’t great because they have no problems. They are great because both people care enough about the other person to find a way to make it work’